Welcome to Friends of Kuilima

The Friends of Kuilima work to promote harmony, protect fair and reasonable use of property, and advocate for short-term rental options on behalf of the North Shore O`ahu community.

Join our Community Town Hall


WHENFriday, March 25th – 12:pm LUNCH TIME

WHERE:    Join by ZOOM (copy and paste link in your browser or click below)


Meeting ID: 861 7793 3210
Pass code: 063793

We will be discussing the results of the Zoning and Planning Commiittee meeting.
City Council meeting. April 13th @ 9:am HST. 

Revision CD2 is available here:      Bill 41- CD2 revision

Amendments: From CM Tupola     CC-111

             From Vice Chair Kiaʻāina     CC-112

EMAIL YOUR OPPOSITION TODAY!         Your voice matters.

We have reached 80% of our Goal!

City Council meeting. April 13th @ 9:am HST.

Revision CD2 is available here: Bill 41- CD2 revision

Amendments: From CM Tupola CC-111

From Vice Chair Kiaʻāina CC-112

EMAIL YOUR OPPOSITION TODAY!         Your voice matters.

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